Wednesday, 11 May 2016

First Post!

Today marks the beginning of this two-week-long project. All the plastic waste that has been accumulated is put in a specific bin, separate from the the rest of our waste. The bin is filling up pretty fast already. It's quite surprising how much waste you can produce, without even realizing it. Candy wrappers, yogurt containers, receipts... producing this much plastic garbage seems inevitable in a society where plastic is a key part of our everyday lives. But although it may seem daunting, I think that I'll be able to reduce at least some of it.

Since this is my first post, I will go over the plan for the Plastic Monster project. I have set up this project in the hopes of being able to shrink my ecological footprint by reducing the amount of plastic- packaged products I buy. The project will take two weeks: over the course of the first, I will collect all the plastic garbage from the household that would otherwise have been thrown out, and keep it in a separate bin. This way, I can determine how much plastic waste is produced by a family, on average, over a single week. Then, over a second week, I will take all possible measures to ensure that the least possible amount of plastic is thrown out. Then, I'll compare the plastic consumption for both weeks.

I've set up this blog as a way to record and share the Plastic Monster project. Hopefully, this project might encourage others to pursue a more eco-friendly lifestyle... or at least prove that helping the environment isn't that hard.

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