Friday, 20 May 2016

End Week One!

Yesterday marked the final day of week one of the Plastic Monster Project! We collected a LOT OF PLASTIC. Over the week, we filled a bin to the point of overflowing. It's a bit terrifying how much plastic a single family of four produces in one week. If this is how much plastic the average four people produce in one week, imagine this times a billion. No wonder plastic is causing wreaking so much havoc on the environment - with piles upon piles of waste being produced every week across the world.

The majority of the box was filled with food wrappers - things like chips, crackers, and other snacks. In this coming week, I will do my best to only food packaged in non-plastic materials, like glass, metal, and especially paper, which are safer, easier to recycle, and will eventually biodegrade.

So, as proven by this week's project, we produce a LOT of garbage. Next week, I'll figure out whether or not this can be helped. Until next time!

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